Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Help, Advice

ArrggghhhI'd love to help. It would make my day to find out that someone can learn from one of my mistakes. Wouldn't it be great to find out that I'm actually wise and uniquely talented and that I can make a difference to people?

But this is an odd fight. My demons don't disguise and expose themselves the way yours do. I'm only human, and this little blog is full of my failures and weaknesses.

Maybe knowing you've been "heard" or that I've offered up a prayer for you will help.
I'm on healed.addict at Gmail d0t com if you want to get in touch.

What advice would I give?

1. Find out who you can count on (wife, girlfriend, really good friend, parent, God). I think you'll need them. Let them know what's going on and find out how much help they can give. This stuff is so selfish, it can suck the life out of people and destroy a relationship. Be honest and accept that this person might not be the right person to lean on. Try to find a few guys who you can be honest with, rather than depend on only one person to support you.

2. Don't give up. My counselor gently offered that a stumble doesn't mean the war is over. Of course you want to keep away from the Big-M and pornography. But guilt and condemnation and feelings of failure are not helping you if they ultimately make you wanna give up. "Okay, I did go to that website that I decided isn't best for me, but I'm not giving up!" "Okay I was caught off guard and slipped, but I AM MAKING SOME PROGRESS BECAUSE ..."

3. Write down and update a list of stuff you KNOW. When it all feels like rubbish, reading it might mean nothing and not help at all, but going back to it again over time helped me to get sorta "centered" again.

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