Saturday, April 14, 2007


Nutty, Am I Bonkers? I'm thinking of getting in touch with a counselor. He's in the States, but I know he works over the phone. I understand that the healing is my responsibility, and I need to have goals of what I want to get out of the endeavour, but I think this guy will be more directive than the last.

What background information would I give him?

What's changed since I last saw a counselor?

* I can sleep (most nights) without an orgasm

* I've been away an entire week, in hotel rooms with Porn, and managed to not orgasm!

* I'm not usually angry all day, when dissapointed about not getting what I want (sexually)

* A few times I've been really angry and tempted, but I realized (in the middle of the struggle) what was actually going on

there must be more...

Monday, April 09, 2007

Sex Idol

Eclipse I had the first experience which I recognized to be as satisying as sex this weekend. It was a conversation with my son. He was feeling bad about himself and frustrated. I think I saw what might be going on and tried to encourage him to not give up and try to view things with some hope. I'm not sure how much he believed what I said, but I believe it was significant and right. I felt useful and satisfied having made a difference.

It's good to see first hand that sex isn't everything and that there are other ways to feel good. God is a bigger and better god than Sex.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Counting, counting, counting

I felt angry and dissapointed when I came home from being out of the country for several days. I was pissed that her missing me and being glad to see me didn't translate to being horny enough to want sex every possible moment, several times a day. I would really like to be able to stop counting how often we do it, how many days we go "without"

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

RollerCoaster Ride

roller-coaster rideLast night was another first. Staying here in France, with their sexy terrestrial TV, I’d turned it off to go to sleep. But after about thirty minutes of lying there, I reached over to the remote and turned the TV on again.

There was a familiar face, Emmanuel. It was a softcore porn movie series that I’d watched as a teenager. I fought between rubbing myself but wanting to hold on and not orgasm. I struggled and told myself that if I cum I’ll have to confess it and reset my counter on HA blog. I was closer than I’d ever been, it could have happened several times, but somehow I managed to hold back. Another shitty night of sleep. Damn, that’ll make it harder tonight too.

But I can think back at it as giving me confidence and good experience that I can stop, and more importantly I’m not suffering from “blue-balls” I’m not helpless. It’s seemed like a rollercoaster that once I get to the top, there’s too much momentum and too much gravity and speed to do anything but get that solo release.