Monday, January 24, 2011

More good news from/for self

Remember fondly waking up @ 2am hungry and NOT giving in to eating?

Remember getting up from table for a whole week still a little hungry, but enjoying more to see?

Remember fasting lunch & enjoying the rich strength from him a few days later?

Remember the joy of sharing Jesus with N. and how you (I) were on top of the world, seeing the sky a different richness, colour?

Remember the quiet satisfaction from forgetting the gadgets and playing chess with Ian and enthusing about filmmaking with Simon?!!!

Remember that it was worthwhile to resist. Not eating while hungry, at 2am & other times, made Papa proud. Didn't feel as good as an orgasm, but didn't follow on with guilt or erosion of strength either.

Logic and truth aren't enemies of freedom or creativity. Romans inspires the power we can draw on OVER sin from Him.

Ironic how praying & the Bible are keys to breaking out of cycle of addiction, but my heart and attitude can render them useless to me for a far too long.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Note from thriving self

Note from thriving self.

The world is better with optimism & hope.
It's better when you give the benefit of the doubt to yourself and the Creator.

You might automatically see things grey, default to pessimism, withdraw, and look for escape and a soothing tonic.....

But you are.... Me.  Remember how much better it was to try the better way.  Even when difficult, it isn't taking you where you want to go, is it?

Remember that it was worthwhile to resist.  Not eating while hungry, at 2am & other times, made Papa proud.  Didn't feel as good as an orgasm, but didn't follow on with guilt or erosion of strength either.

Logic and truth aren't enemies of freedom or creativity.  Romans inspires the power we can draw on OVER sin from Him.

Ironic how praying & the Bible are keys to breaking out of cycle of addiction, but my heart and attitude can render them useless to me for a far too long.