Friday, January 25, 2013

Bit By Bit instead of Big Bang

I usually notice wrong thinking, bad decision, harmful habits and try to see the big picture they fit into. When I notice I'm in the habit of automatically locking my eyes on part of a an attractive woman's body--from a distance, I think...

"What's this all about? Why, where does this come from?" I see it as huge. I.e. I supposed decades of porn and ogling & lust has made this so hard.

But the Soul Revolution experiment is helping me to think in the now and pray and involve God in a way that isn't so overwhelming.

The best way to eat an elephant, so the saying goes, is one bite at a time. So let's try that for changing and being changed by Him too! An encouraging approach that feels like a gracious breath of fresh air of grace and love!

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Aggressive, Passively

Noticed part of how I am learning to process anger is to not 'act out' by being passive aggressive.

Didn't know I do this, but i think I do. Don't bottle it up, don't seek other gratification (sex, food) when angry. And don't let it leak out subtly either.
