Thursday, May 22, 2008

Unrealistic Expectations

Am I suffering more than usual because I've slipped and M'ed last week?

Am I having a hard time seeing that my wants are extreme, harder than usual because I've digressed?

I did entertain the idea that I'd not expect anything last night as she "serviced me" kindly the night before, but when it came down to it I was offended when I had to turn over and try to sleep unsatisfied. Mark up another shitty night sleepwise. I've been obsessed with trying to get her to do sexual stuff with me outside of the normal comfortable and predictable pattern.

So tomorrow I've got a day off work, we'll see how that goes. I'd like two orgasms. She'd rather keep her clothes on. Blah blah blah, the same old shit. She wants this, I want that.

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