Thursday, December 22, 2005

01:16 Thurs Dec 22 2005

So here I am downstairs again. TV on. Computer connected to the net. (obviously)

Why do I have such a strong association between sex and a system or schedule?

I found it easier to go to sleep last night without sex because I knew we'd done it a number of times in the last week. Still, tonight I was cross. She had last night off, didn't she?!!! Why no again? Plus hearing how much is gonna be packed into Christmas makes me think, "Ah, sex'll get squeezed out then, huh!??!!!". That's not necessarily true, but I'm pissed.

I could M* to some porn right now. It would feed good, but it wouldn't help me get to sleep. It would be enjoyable, but short lived. It would make it harder for me to resist next time (which will probably be very shortly!).

Ahh, fuck it. This just sucks.

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