Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Attitude, emotions and reality

Bob ParOne of the first glimmers of hope and light that cracked through this porn/masturbation was the idea that I might have a very longstanding problem connected to "trapped emotions". This was the beginning of a long and winding journey--the way I react to negative emotions, the way I see myself and the way I see God.

Trapped emotions do go back to the start of my problem.

So I don't want to squash and deny my emotions.
But how do I process them in a healthy way?

Experimenting means I sometimes end up spending too much time wallowing in my pain.
Embracing the sadness and pain has a ring of truth and reality that seems to be "Good News" even to the Church itself. But there's gotta be a time to move on.

Incredible!Moving on, isn't that just squashing my emotions again?


That's a helpful way to look at it. I can watch and change my attitude, while learn my way through these messy confusing emotions.

Check and adjust your attitude. Conquer and rule your attitude, without squashing or denying those emotions. Yes there is sadness and pain. Yes it's a part of you. But you are in charge and your attitude decides how much space to give to your feelings and when to listen to them and when to say, "okay, time to look ahead".

Thanks to Russ from Attitudes of Sexual Integrity for so much help and support in this process.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Childish Ways

TantrumI heard about "self parenting" from the guy who first introduced me to the concept of "trapped emotions".

I've not been able to find much about it on the internet, but it seems like a kid who's left to raise himself to some degree comes up with his own boundaries and self-imposed rules. Not ideal. I can remember bragging and joking that "my bedtime is 2am, unless I'm having a good time"--that was on a school night.

Is it because I'm letting out these teenage emotions that I'm justifying giving myself what I want (orgasm, food, etc.) now? I've never seen myself as having any succeses with discipline, but otherwise this self-parenting is hitting me like a L.S.D. flashback because it's buried down there with all these emotions. Taking away the drug of Masturbation is exposing it all again.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Wrong Drug for the Pain

NeedleSo, a BJ is great, but it doesn't address the pain. A lunchtime quickie is wonderful, but it doesn't make me better. Of course an emptier one-sided orgasm is definitely of no use.

A great singer/songwriter named Samantha Murphy said in one of her interviews that before she could give up smoking, she had to learn to sit in the middle of an empty room alone and in pain, and just experience it. That's been very helpful for me to hear.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Two Confessions

I confess that I've been giving into eating junk food to ease the pain of me not having my porn/masturbation drug. There, I've said it here. Next I need to say it to someone who knows me and is close to me. I think my wife is more understanding of my problem with porn than she is with food!

Got a "No" for the last 48 hours. Maybe my attitude contributed to it. But last night I knew she didn't want to, and selfishly thought if I push it I'll feel bad knowing it's wrong. With porn I could pretend "she" wanted it as much as me. The naemless/faceless beauty always seemed so keen. But with my real relationship, my much-better bride and lover, that was not the case.

So I made the right choice to roll over. I was so tired, so sleepy after working in the backyard most of the weekend. Still, I wanted IT more than sleep. When I rolled over I felt these emotions wash over me: anger, resentment, sadness. I wan't sleepy anymore.

My mind is telling me that I should feel good and have an orgasm even out of context of a loving and intimate time with her. I've sorta brainwashed myself with all these images of instant and always ready bj's.

Choosing to masturbate doesn't work because it leaves me empty and sets off a chain reaction of guilt and pain.

Pushing her to pleasure me or let me use her to "maturbate" is wrong as well. I don't want to use her as one of those male sex-aid masturbation things. She's not a receptacle for my needs. Besides, it delays the hard work of facing my loneliness or pain or frustration, making it harder to face it next time. It isn't good for our relationship because it's using her and is kinda bringing her into my masturbation life. I can kid myself that maybe as I get turned on touching her that maybe, maybe she'll get turned on and we'll make love "properly". But I know she doesn't want to give out really.

Third and last choice. Not feeling good. Not having an orgasm. Triggering the anger and sadness and maybe missing the orgasmic feelings that help me sleep nicely. One thought that came from the last time I made this, the good third choice is.....

"I will never experience an orgasm easily again."

I mean never again quickly.

The porn movie where a rich guy sits around all day with one of his love-slaves taking turns blowing him... That was so unhelpful. Wanting a BJ in the middle of the day, a quickie is just B.S.

The kids are upstairs playing and I know they'll be happy and they won't disturb us downstairs. That's plenty of time.... to masturbate. Problem is, it's not enough time to make love. My brain goes crazy trying to rationalize a way to hope and manipulate and wish this isn't true.