Thursday, January 19, 2012


So, it must be time to fast from sex again because I seem to be going backwards instead of forwards. I'm doing well at not eating junk and I'm just about keeping to my new plan to run 3 times a week. Does that have anything to do with why I am more demanding sexually? less flexible and more troubled!

I denounce feeling like I need sex just because I pursued it. I am free to pursue her and she is free to say no. She doesn't owe it to me!

I denounce craving disconnected sex that seems far too much like masturbation or the fantasy of porn sex (immediate, no kissing, wham-bam-just-thinking-of-me-ma'am).

I denounce seeing sex from perspective of what I can get and being oblivious to what I can give and what she can get.

I denounce the lie that once I've imagined getting it, I will physically hurt until it happens. As Mark Gungor says, "You will not die!"

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