Saturday, April 14, 2007


Nutty, Am I Bonkers? I'm thinking of getting in touch with a counselor. He's in the States, but I know he works over the phone. I understand that the healing is my responsibility, and I need to have goals of what I want to get out of the endeavour, but I think this guy will be more directive than the last.

What background information would I give him?

What's changed since I last saw a counselor?

* I can sleep (most nights) without an orgasm

* I've been away an entire week, in hotel rooms with Porn, and managed to not orgasm!

* I'm not usually angry all day, when dissapointed about not getting what I want (sexually)

* A few times I've been really angry and tempted, but I realized (in the middle of the struggle) what was actually going on

there must be more...

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