Thursday, August 03, 2006

Surrender, Escape, Death & Life

So the friend who sees me and gives me "pastoral support" every month or two asked me why I was doing so much better.

The usual are still true:

1. Persevering. (time doesn't heal all wounds, but combine time with a hard fight and you're gonna get there).

2. Honesty. (brutal, frightening and ever risky honesty)

I've had some fantasies and hopes that I have becomre more and more sure were hopeless (to be met at the door by her wearing nothing but maybe an overcoat, ready to throw it off and pounce on top of my like an animal in heat). I never wanted to bring these silly desires out into the light because I knew they were ridiculous. Well I've been doing it. It hurts when she chuckles and says that it'll probably never happen (DAMN!) but I think the fruit of that has been more freedom and peace.

EscapeI feel like the pain from the love I felt I didn't get from my father is not what drives me to porn and masturbation (M) anymore. Now it's more like boredom or simple loneliness or maybe horniness. If I'm thriving in my work, then it's almost easy. I'm sure there is still more in the layered process of forgiviness of my Dad, but it doesn't seem like it's a big deal right now. At first it was all about sex, then it was all about my dad. Now it's changed again. I'm not sure exactly what it's changed to, but it's different again. It's less. I can contemplate her not wanting to make love tonight (or right now or whatever) and not feel gutted and "it's not fair". I can roll over and go to sleep without feeling outraged and enraged. I can get up the next morning without being obsessed and usually go through the day quite normally too. I gotta work on the eating and comfort and control of junk food, but that's another story.

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