Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Obsession of the Mind

Learning about addiction via the 12 steps and AA.  They see addiction as a three part problem.  One, obsession of the mind.  Two allergy of the body.  Three spiritual malady.  See Wiki here.

Makes good sense with Alcoholics who can't stop once they start (physical allergy means once they act out they keep using, powerless to stop (rather than usual understanding of allergy, i.e. breaking out in hives or swelling, etc.).  The obsession of the mind is or insanity of the mind is about kidding yourself into thinking you can dance around the fire of the addiction and not get burned.  Left on my own, without doing the steps or finding health, I'm sure to talk myself into a situation where I find myself acting out.  Finally, the spiritual malady is the most important part because by treating this aspect of my addiction, I can find freedom and overcome all three problems.

Obsession of the mind:  I think my obsession does more than just trick me into acting out.  It robs me of many moments of peace or effectiveness as so so so many minutes and experiences that make up hours and hours of my weeks and years are distracted, disconnected and selfish.  It's the hundreds of times every day when my eye focuses on a female form, a curvy shape.  It could lead me to acting out, but even if it doesn't, the distraction and interruption is selfish, unproductive and disconnecting.

I love how the 12-steps are action oriented and solution focused.  I can't go long without 'okay, what are you gonna DO about it?' which is really what I need to get me out of my head and beyond endless theorising and philosophising.

The action is the pursuing spiritual health.  That's it.  It involves meditating (great to slow down, to quieten myself, to give some time away from social media, work or endless busyness!) it involves praying, but this time it's to my Higher Power (as I understand, as I don't understand).  This is familiar, yes brand new.  God, I trust You and ask you to help me as I'm powerless to improve my spiritual health.  I rely on you to show me what I must today to be more healthy (less selfish).  Help me to act different, to be different, to take steps of love with an attitude of growing thankfulness and humility.

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