Friday, September 02, 2016

Itch & Scratchy on a bicycle

The cycle of lust, temptation, masturbation and self-hate goes round and round.

Lust and temptation is like an itch.  The more you have scratched it in the past, the harder it is to leave it alone this time.  You can do the right thing, looking away ten times.  But that one eleventh time you look, and it feels like the castle of sand crumbles.

So that one time when you feed the dog, you give-in to the "pull" and saddle up alongside the hunger, leering and inhaling some exciting female visual stimuli.....   It's like scratching an itch.  It feels great at the time, but it's oh-so short lived!  You end up feeling much worse and you're much more likely to get infected (sexual sin) and it's a very real possibility that infection will remain untreated and ultimately lead to gruesome gangrene, which bluntly put means horrible smelly rotten flesh.  Like a crack addict ruining all their veins and robbing their family members to feed the habit, a lust addict can't amputate the part of them which is infected.

Weird how I'm often surprised that I expect it to "hurt" or somehow feel negative when I choose to look away and not breathe in a female sexy form.  I think, 'now that wasn't bad at all, missing out on that!  Whereas when I do look, I hardly notice the enjoyment, but it revs up that engine that has nowhere to go.

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