So, let's write a verison of recent happenings from what I think her perspective might be:
"Yesterday was a good day, and I got a chance to relax a bit after a particularly busy few days. I got lots of things done, satisfying doing this and that and this and that. He'd been wanting sex a lot in the last few weeks, and I've gone along with it. Sometimes it's been really nice, but I've enjoyed working in the garden, cycling to school, etc.
So last night, I was pretty tired by the time we got in bed. I'd put the kids to bed myself and I'd been out too many evenings in a row. He agreed to go straight to sleep, but then I knew he was cross. I really do care about him, but that doesn't mean I always want sex.
I could have given him an O, but that wouldn't have been the right thing to do, and it would have meant we'd be in this cycle of needing that even more the next time he couldn't sleep. I don't want our lovemaking to be a drug. I want him to be free. I'm praying that for him.
So I noticed he suggested we not have sex the next day either, I just hope it isn't too hard for him and that he's not got a grumpy attitude as a result. "