Saturday, September 30, 2006

Another Week Goes By

So the counter continues to grow, I'm gettin' toward a month. Last night was the first night after her period ended, so I had expectations. But she was too tired. I went from sleepy to awake and mad in a matter of a fraction of a second.

I started to go downstairs, but was too tired. I mighta messed up my counter if I had, probably eaten needlessly.

I can't remember the last night when we didn't "Do It" when I didn't also sleep really shitty--including last night.

We were both home today (Saturday) while the kids were out playing. No one knew when they'd come home, and she doesn't get in the mood quickly or during the day, so I decided not to try. Five minutes later the first kid came home, so it wouldn't have worked anyway.


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