Friday, July 21, 2006

Steps forward, even with Stumbling

Okay, a few things to say. I can tell I'm winning in this thing. Times that I don't get sex I'm not very angry at all. The next morning I'm not seething, sometimes not angry at all. I'm not obsessing about it all the time the next day either. The idea of not having sex every day doesn't seem preposterous anymore. I can joke about stuff and see our sexlife from a much more "normal" perspective than ever since this battle really started.

I was thinking about stuff that helps. People might come here looking for clues to what works. Well it doesn't help to be isolated. All the crazy ideas that bounce around your head just get worse. You really do need someone to talk to. You really do need to just be around couples and see real relationships. I didn't have to talk about sex at all, but just being around another couple like us, with children... Somehow it helped me to see our lives compared to theirs (and be thankful even!) rather than our lives compared to some sexual fantasy from a montogue of porn movies (which leaves me feeling robbed and always wanting more).

I put a little java counter in the upper right corner of this site so I can be "accountable" about my last stumble into the big M. Weird how I know I'm getting better all the time. I know the battle is getting easier and I'm seeing myself more realistically, adjusting my expectations, not feeling the same strong pull toward "acting out" to feel better so much.

Still, sometimes I get an unusual opportunity or something and I just give in. Last time is recorded here and I hope the count keeps climbing and climbing.

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