Friday, June 10, 2011

Triggers for lie: unwanted

She doesn't want me sexually--Again!

She NEVER wants me anywhere except bed.

she never wants me anytime except bedtime at night right before sleeping.

She never thinks about making love, dressing in a skirt: stockings,
lingere, or anything creative or different about sex.

She sometimes "makes the effort" but that's a chore and work and not
what she really wants to do.

She never wants to go to bed early with me--specifically to NOT sleep.

porn bitches pretend to want it anytime, all the time, anywhere,
everywhere, wearing anything. Nothing is too much trouble--for the
money they're making or the emptiness they're trying to fill.

Awake again

So why wouldnt we do it 2night?

1) were not in sync or connecting, actually seems everything she says
is annoying me immensely.

2) tired

3) still not sure where we stand after struggling with not doing it this morning

Why am I gutted and appauled and dumbfounded that we didn't do it tonight?

1) we didn't do it this morn
2) we didn't do it yesterday or last night
3) dont think we did it the day before either
(but that's not supposed to be the point)
4) her period is due any day, so we wnt be doing it for a week
5) I gave her an out, didn't think she'd take it based on 1-4 etc.

If I was away I'd not 'newd it'. If she was sick I could cope. Is it
because she's been so accommodating or giving that I expect her to
be--all the time. I can't make her change her mind. I am not in
control. This is the need that I need Jesus to meet. Sleep. Rest.
Respite from this never ending obsession. Masturbation doesn't really
help. Sex doesn't help when she doesn't want to. Well, she dosn't.


Thursday, June 09, 2011

Angry and unable to relate normally

Oh one hand I know that she doesn't always want to.  I know it takes her time and that she wants to spend our time together doing other things too.  But I can't get away from my hope and thoughts that she will this time.  I watched the clock go from 9:30 to 9:45 to 10:00 (now looking bad) to 10:15 (forget it--but there's always hope!).  I can think of the right perspective of us being in sync and me woo'ing her and being giving.  But what's dominating my thoughts is whether I'll get anything and how her not wanting to this time and all the other times plays into the hand of the thought that she never wants me. 

So I decide to try to talk normally to her.  No point in being affectionate as on one hand I don't think it's very giving to try to be intimate with so little time, and on the other hand I'm not in a place to communicate freely and openly and easily.  I'm battling between selfishness and everything else.

So she is completely aware that I'm not at ease.  She knows I want "it" but knows it's not the right spirit/feel/reasons.  Finally, at about 10:40 we start talking about all this.  

My expectations and hopes are for MORE more more more.  But I know that's wrong so I resist.  

Better Decisions/Reactions

So the other night she indicated "no".  

Seems no matter how tired I am and how hard it is to stay awake, once she says no, I get angry and wide awake!

This time turned out okay as when the thought, "She NEVER says yes and gives to me.  I ALWAYS am the one not getting what I want"... I then thought, "Wait a minute, just a few days ago you were ready to let her off the hook and she surprised you by thinking of you and giving to you!  So "Never" is very not true!

2 Corinthians 10:5 "...casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ"