Sunday, February 11, 2018

Accepting, yielding, giving-in, letting go

Abe lincoln supposedly said, "“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” 

This is a deep truth that's been trying to worm it's way into my stubborn thick mind for a while.  It seems really silly to hang on to wishing the world was different than it is.

Besides, this is what it means to become a Christian, in my tradition:

Yield, give-way, submit (to His Will), give-in, accept His Lordship, give over control and accept He's the Boss of your life.

I did that, and I've tried to do that regarding my sexual addiction.  But I've needed a 12-step program and support to get any further.  Now I see that's what I need to do again, and in a big way.

God, please give me the wisdom (and strength) to accept the things I cannot change!

My sexual desires have been growing, while the opportunities for sex (within my own definition of good and healthy) are decreasing.  What's gonna happen?  Can I manipulate my life to increase the sex to match my ever-increasing wants?  No.  I need to give up, give-in, change, let go, yield and submit to the will of something/someone outside myself, higher and bigger (and better) than me.  That's where the power to overcome this lives.  Not in me, but in God.   God, please help me.  I give it to you now.  Please help me to keep on giving it to you, and please help me to not take it back.  But when I do, please help me to give it again, learning and accepting happiness along the way.

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